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Santa Visits Without the Hassle

We're excited to continue bringing magical experiences to the holiday season with personalized virtual videos from Santa. 

Treat your child with memories they’ll cherish forever. No malls, no lines, no stress. Just Santa! 

More than 2,600 happy children served since 2020! 


Ho Ho Ho, Welcome to Santa's Studio!

Order a Personalized Video Message From Santa

Select an option below:

Where should we send Santa's Video?

We'll text and email you the final video within 24-hours

Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone number
Please enter a valid phone number

Where should we send Santa's Video?

We'll email you the final video within 24-hours

Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone number
Please enter a valid phone number

Where should we send Santa's Video?

We'll email you the final video within 24-hours

Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone number
Please enter a valid phone number

Tell us a bit about your child 

The more information you fill out, the more we can personalize the video

First name *
Please specify an answer
City, State *
Please specify an answer
Age *
Please specify an answer
Hobby/Achievement 1 *
Please specify an answer
Hobby/Achievement 2
Please specify an answer
Favorite Sport
Please specify an answer
Why are you proud of them?
Please specify an answer

Tell us a bit about your child 

The more information you fill out, the more we can personalize the video

First name *
Please specify an answer
City, State *
Please specify an answer
Age *
Please specify an answer
Why are they on the naughty list? *
Please specify an answer
Another reason they're on the naughty list?
Please specify an answer
What can they do to improve? *
Please specify an answer

What would you like Santa to say? 

Type your custom script below (up to 600 words)

Please specify an answer

Make your payment

You'll be charged $24.99 (20% discount applied) and will receive your video within 24 hours

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Thanks for submitting your order!

Santa and the elves at his studio will get to work right away.

You should have the final video sent to the email address you provided within 24 hours.


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